Moldavite – Fakes And Evolution

Moldavite is worshiped by many for its strong and intense frequencies. It is famous for triggering healing on all areas of the physical, mental and spiritual bodies. The healing can occur in all dimensions – the physical reality, within the Chakra systems, in one’s dreams or in the hidden higher dimensions.You would be wise to put your trust in Moldavite as it already knows what it is that needs to be changed, fixed or healed, this is a smart cookie of a Crystal!

Love & the law of attraction

The good news is that to attract love into our lives it’s actually surprisingly easy when you know how. It’s all about the law of attraction, like attracts like.Imagine your energy is vibrating on a particular wavelength, the law of attraction says only other things that are of the same vibration can be drawn to you… So, you need to make your energy vibrate at the rate of what you want to receive, which means generating loving energy and appreciation so that vibration can see and connect with you.

How To Look After And Store Your Healing Crystals

Having your Crystals out where you can touch them is an essential part of the life of a happy Crystal, and a happy crystal-owner.

How crystals are formed

It is important to distinguish where gems are formed from where they are found. This rather lengthy article goes some way towards explaining the different ways they can be formed.Almost all gems are formed below the Earth’s surface; some are brought to the surface through mining and some through natural geological processes such as faulting, folding or volcanic activity. These processes can move rock up from hundreds of miles below the surface, but how are crystals formed in the first place?

Feng Shui for love, wealth and happiness!

There are two different ways to define the feng shui bagua, I am going with the version that uses the compass directions to dictate where each sector lies in the house.I am just going to focus on the areas of love and money as those seem to be the most frequently asked for areas of help.. and there is so much to say!

Dragons and Feng Sui

The Feng Sui Chinese Dragon is an ancient symbol of the breath of life and cosmic chi.Inviting a Chinese dragon into your home is thought to be a powerful symbolic act, bringing with it positive Feng Shui and evoking courage, enthusiasm and prosperity when you need it most.

Crystals for past life healing

This is what Judy Hall (Author of The Crystal Bible) says about Crystals and Past Lives:In my experience, a great deal of spirit release and soul retrieval work has its roots in previous lives as soul fragments can be left behind or the soul may bring an attachment forward or one may pass down the ancestral line. I’ve been using crystals for past life healing for over forty years and these are just some of the crystal tools I’ve found useful.

Crystals and the Mohs Scale

Mohs scale is a scale of the scratchability of stones when they are scratched by another substance.For example: 1 is very soft e.g. Talc, and 10 is very hard e.g. Diamond