Cleaning your crystals

As soon as you have your Crystal, the first thing you need to do is cleanse it.  It has been on a long journey from wherever it was mined and will have been through the hands of many on its journey to you. You want to start your time together with it filled with positive energy for you.

Choosing a crystal

There are a few different schools of thought on choosing Crystals, personally I’m an advocator of the intuitive choice as I think this is a world of vibration where we naturally match up with what we need.

Chinese Animal Signs – Which Are You, And What Does That Mean?

Also known as Sheng Xiao, meaning “born resembling”, the signs represent twelve animals that the Chinese associate with each year (on a rolling basis, repeating every twelve years).Depending on your date of birth, you will have a specific animal sign for the year in which you were born. It is said that people born under each animal sign display the attributes of the animal that they are born under, (similar to the zodiac, which identifies certain characteristics for each of the twelve zodiac signs, but on a monthly basis rather than yearly.)

Charging your crystals

My favourite way to charge crystals is by putting them out in the sunlight; Sunlight re-charges crystals with strong, bright, positive energy.The time it takes depends on how much the crystal has been used and I think, the intention of the person who has been handling the crystal.

A simple "Loving Myself" boost to start the day

When you first wake up, BEFORE your mind starts searching for the things it was worrying about last night, speak gently to it and say:  “Good morning, today is going to be a different day!”

How Crystal Geodes form

Geodes are like magical secret caves, ordinary, rock-like spheres on the outside but sparkly and colourful on the inside; all hidden and mysterious! But how are these wonders of nature created? Let’s have a look at the earths recipe.

7 Things To Do With Your Crystals

I’m sure you don’t need any help with what to do with your lovely crystals but we thought it would be fun to share some of our ideas, and if you click the crystal names you can read about their healing properties.

8 Useful Tips For Helping With Anxiety

Anxiety is one of those human conditions that seems to touch everyone’s life to a greater or lesser degree. It can make you feel out of control and at the mercy of your fears and emotions, and it is no fun at all to be at war with that.