Quartz Flower Thumb Stone


A pretty flower quartz thumb stone that measures about 3.7cm across.

You will get one very similar to, and just as lovely as the one in the photos.

Carrying a quartz thumb stone is thought to significantly benefit your emotions by promoting clarity and emotional balance.

Known as a master healer, quartz amplifies positive energy and dispels negativity, fostering a sense of inner peace and stability. It enhances mental clarity and focus, helping you process emotions more effectively.

Quartz also encourages emotional healing, enabling you to release past traumas and negative patterns. Its harmonising energy can boost self-esteem and confidence, supporting a positive outlook on life.

Properties of Clear Quartz

  • Healing
  • Intention
  • Power
  • Protection

Clear Quartz is the most popular and versatile healing stone of all the crystals. It is the most powerful healing stone thought to be able to work on any condition.