Moonstone Thumb Stone


This lovely little thumb stone is made from rainbow moonstone - it has a little patch of rainbow/blue at one end. It measures about 4cm x 3cm.

Please double check the size before you buy.

Rainbow Moonstone is said to foster emotional healing and balance. Enhancing intuition and promoting spiritual growth, connecting you with divine energies. Known as a "stone of new beginnings," it is said to bring soothing energies, calming emotions, and encourages inner strength. Rainbow Moonstone is associated with the divine feminine, enhancing feminine energies and supporting the cycles of change. Its iridescence symbolises hope, providing insight into the future and guiding you through life's transitions with grace and intuition.

Properties of Rainbow Moonstone

  • Protection
  • Confidence
  • Inner worth

Rainbow Moonstone is actually a clear form of Labradorite, not Moonstone as one would believe. A hugely spiritual stone it enhances psychic abilities and natural intuition.