Onyx Himalayan Marble Dove


This is a lovely Dove carved from Himalayan onyx Marble, it measures about 8.5cm long x 5.5cm high.

Himalayan Onyx Marble, a beautiful and unique stone found in the Himalayan region, possesses various metaphysical properties:

Grounding and Stability: Himalayan Onyx Marble is believed to have grounding energies that help stabilise emotions and anchor one's energy to the Earth. It provides a sense of stability and security, making it useful for those feeling overwhelmed or unbalanced.

Protection: Himalayan Onyx Marble is associated with protection. It is thought to create a protective shield around the wearer, warding off negative energies and psychic attacks.

Enhanced Focus and Concentration: This stone is said to improve mental clarity and focus, making it beneficial for tasks requiring concentration or attention to detail. It can help clear mental fog and promote a sharp mind.

Emotional Healing: Himalayan Onyx Marble is believed to aid in emotional healing by encouraging self-reflection and inner growth. It may assist in releasing negative emotions, such as fear or anger, and promoting feelings of calmness and serenity.

Spiritual Protection and Growth: Himalayan Onyx Marble is thought to enhance spiritual protection and facilitate spiritual growth. It may help individuals connect with their higher selves or spiritual guides, providing support and guidance along their spiritual journey.

Physical Healing Support: While primarily used for spiritual purposes, some believe that Himalayan Onyx Marble has physical healing properties as well. It may support the immune system, aid in detoxification, and promote overall vitality and well-being.

Properties of Onyx

  • Heart
  • Calm
  • Soothing

Onyx is a stone of soothing and calming for emotional stress. Green Onyx is associated with the healing and strengthening of the heart, both physically and emotionally.